2. The Jungle Book – Asian Languages

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Once upon a time Mowgli, a little Indian boy and his sister Rosa went to the rain forest to find the magical leaves that could cure their sick mother when suddenly Mowgli gets lost.

Macan the tiger finds him and brings him back to his den. But then a snake appears and hypnotises Moogli…

All could have gone terribly wrong but for the ingenious idea of Pipo the wise monkey and his companion Mister Frog, the best cook in the forest.

In order to rescue Mowgli, he has to organise a banquet….




ACTIVITIES: Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese
POSTERS: Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese


Puppet Show Details

Traditional Craft

The shows are especially crafted for school students learning a new language. The stories are based on original tales that we adapt for puppetry. Our traditional characters and stories give the students an opportunity to enjoy and understand the diversity of cultures around the world.

Audiences & Venues

Primary Schools (all levels)
Secondary Schools year 7 and 8

At your School: in a theatre, a library, an auditorium, a hall,a gymnasium, a double class room, or in an open area.


AU$8.90 +GST per student
Booking Prices*
Minimum booking cost per show: $979.00 +GST
For audiences over 110 students: $8.90 +GST per student.

*A travel fee applies for country areas

Special Occasions:

Birthdays, Fetes, Private Functions, Libraries
Social Clubs – please contact us with details.
Festivals – price is available on request.